The homeless and their fucked up legs

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
There's countless amounts of niggers walking around in their mid 30s with canes, walkers or motorized carts that aren't even overweight.

This is what happens when your breakfast since childhood is hot Cheetos and grape drank.
Most Ricans are crippled up with diabetes too. Luckily it doesn't impact their careers since none of them have jobs


hard drive full of CP media
Homeless everywhere have fucked up feet. Bad shoes and dirty socks you can't take off for the night, rain, walking for miles, standing in lines, bad hygiene, foot disease ridden shelter showers, no access to health care. That'll do it.


You smoke every day since 10, you drink every day since 12, you do drugs every day since 13, you never eat a fruit, vegetable or natural protein and eat garbage fast food every day your whole wonder you're all fucked up