He's so bad at Boq trolling that @Wigger simply pays him no heed and @chocolatehellhole stays the fuck away from it all cause it's so gay and embarrassing, reducing his trolling activity to merely occasional jabs now and then. Even @RoxburyRick quit posting here cause Boq trolling kicked the bucket since @Ashcroft decided he was gonna take it over like an unwanted house guest from a sitcom that the characters are too polite and impotent to tell to gtfo.
Usurping asshole, I hope you turn out to be an OldGravyEgg case that gets exposed as a fucked up freakshow that we all know you are in real life, probably a sex offender, and likely not even a fan of Richard Ashcroft.
He's so bad at Boq trolling that @Wigger simply pays him no heed and @chocolatehellhole stays the fuck away from it all cause it's so gay and embarrassing, reducing his trolling activity to merely occasional jabs now and then. Even @RoxburyRick quit posting here cause Boq trolling kicked the bucket since @Ashcroft decided he was gonna take it over like an unwanted house guest from a sitcom that the characters are too polite and impotent to tell to gtfo.
Usurping asshole, I hope you turn out to be an OldGravyEgg case that gets exposed as a fucked up freakshow that we all know you are in real life, probably a sex offender, and likely not even a fan of Richard Ashcroft.