The excess mortality rate across the EU has increased by 16% more than the average. If you look at the map, the countries with the highest vaccination


The gunslinger.
… rates have the highest increase.

Don’t worry though, snopes has said it’s because of heatwaves and it’s dangerous to suggest otherwise with “cherry picked” data.

The vaccines were a compliance and IQ test and I became closer with my friends who passed and also didn’t take it. So that’s the positive of the retardation of the last few years.

Also doesn’t really get mentioned that printing trillions and trillions of money globally for pointless lockdowns and covid hysteria obviously is causing a giant inflation crisis that will get incredibly bad.


When you have the current President of the United States, the prime minister of Canada and other world leaders having campaigns that say "Build Back Better", the same phrase coined by the World Economic Forum (who "predicted" COVID right before it happened), you have to know they're in cahoots. It's a very clunky catchphrase that just sounds retarded and forced. Add to that the WEF's other "predictions" and you basically have the script the ruling powers want to run for the next few decades. Their supposed leader puts out a book about COVID that somehow shoehorns in plans for massive economic overhaul? Very fishy.
Even mainstream outlets are talking about it. I'd love to know what the real death toll is, or the projected figure. It has to be <1,000,000 with how many people got the shot.

I don't know anyone who died of Covid, but I know people with health issues from the shot.