The Dimensional Merge is upon us now that Cumia is streaming on

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
I was watching ralphs stream last night

Cumia was super chatting like crazy the entire stream, until Ralph got the hint and told people to go subscribe to his channel

I can tell Ethan already is annoyed at Cumia for hanging from his nuts hard here, but not having him on his show or coming on ralphs show

ralph doesn't like people promoting their shit in his super chats, because he has had so many people do it, become "friends" then snake on him after the fact

Cumia doesn't know this because he has no idea who ethan ralph is

i have a feeling, they will get into a beef soon, hopefully by next year if not sooner

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
Explain to the folks at home whatever the fuck this all means

Kiwifarms's admin, and 2/3rds of the youtube commentary community hate Ethan Ralph, host of the Killstream (an alt light talk show)

the Internet Blood Sports community revolves around ethan ralph these days, and it's as close to the modern day Opie and Anthony I've seen

it would be hard to boil it all down, but it's a rich and retarded vein of the internet I highly suggest you look into


Opie Simp
Explain to the folks at home whatever the fuck this all means
A lot more people are about to pay attention to Ant, and not in a good way. The Ralph and Nick Fuentes area of the internet is filled with people who will happily swat someone just for a laugh. If I were Nana I'd be trying to scrub my address from the internet.

I've also been contributing to Nana's KF thread a lot more lately, filling it with all of the evidence that he's a pedophile. Pretty soon it'll be all he's known for.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
Kiwifarms's admin, and 2/3rds of the youtube commentary community hate Ethan Ralph, host of the Killstream (an alt light talk show)

the Internet Blood Sports community revolves around ethan ralph these days, and it's as close to the modern day Opie and Anthony I've seen

it would be hard to boil it all down, but it's a rich and retarded vein of the internet I highly suggest you look into
I still don’t understand any of the words you said. What is the Internet Blood Sports community? What is “alt light”?

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
I still don’t understand any of the words you said. What is the Internet Blood Sports community? What is “alt light”?

IBS or internet blood sports was a short lived era of debates between political channels and gamer gate channels

everyone devolved into doxxing and meming each other with true and fake things

eventually everyone literally ate each other, and either moved on, became a villain, or keep milking the 30k fan base


Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
I still don’t understand any of the words you said. What is the Internet Blood Sports community? What is “alt light”?
They’re a bunch of 90 IQ faggots with serious emotional problems. Autism is very common, (intentional) humor less so. They like anime, they’re frequently obese, and they pretend to be “right wing” or conservative.

essentially Unscripted jerry springer where the audience are just as pathetic and fun to laugh at as the participants.




this song sums it up


Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
They’re a bunch of 90 IQ faggots with serious emotional problems. Autism is very common, (intentional) humor less so. They like anime, they’re frequently obese, and they pretend to be “right wing” or conservative.

essentially Unscripted jerry springer where the audience are just as pathetic and fun to laugh at as the participants.

I like this wilbur guy