The best food review channel (buffets)



I just spent two hours watching this guy. very thorough.

He likes to go for lunch because the extra $$ for dinner isn't worth it, also, he'd be up all night with a full belly.
The first two plates are always samples to see what's good, and plate 3 he gets his money's worth and loads it up.
He's very introverted (hence the channel name) so he goes around times when there is less of a crowd.
This also allows him to film the buffet line, but sometimes they don't let him so that can be disappointing.
The quality of the buffets depend on the location, but try and go earlier in the day so that the food is hot and ready.




Post script; I haven't seen a single piece of appetizing food on his plate. ever. go figure.


Awesome vids brotherman! olive garden is my chick's favorite restaurant so we eat there all the time! #Ruizing


Another fucking food thread. You fat fucks are worse than Bob Kelly.