The amount of bots being called out is pretty funny.


it doesn't taste all that good
I like how early 90s "this is the internet" stuff to on about how you can email to white house as it was pretty much the only website going as if it was the actual president replying.

What fools we were.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
What's this, the 1980s? Do his handlers really think anyone but trolls would give a shit about playing make-believe about mailing the president?

It'd be a dumb fucking idea during the best of times, but when the country is in the state it's in, the whole attempt feels fucking laughable.
Even when I was eight I knew dialing 1-900-HI-SANTA wasn't gonna put me in touch with the Big Guy.


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This guy in particular seems to be getting the most likes with his replies.

I feel like a faggot for getting excited over Twitter nonsense, but it's funny to see people calling out the bullshit
You never have to apologize for being a faggot around these parts, guapo.