Tfw you hear your "coon" trap snap


Ribbed for your pleasure


Ribbed for your pleasure
Coon = common slang for blacks amongst filthy racists

But if you dumb niggers would look at my post history you would see that I've done that. I know you are worried about kiwifags but jesus fookin christ you're liable to start a brotherman war that would make Patrick Jiggletits TonsilsSon giggle over his evening pitcher of Evan William's bottom shelf. We may have a tranny faggot or two in our midst but even token dindus like dre and kamala and apparently era(?) And Hindus like cuntfucker are our brothers (wouldn't take them to a family reunion). I personally hope you Dindu find it in your heart to welcome a Johnny cum lately (good thing and bad thing) into your midst because I wanna get and give some juicy ribs in return with my bros.

Not that ramrod ranch, BroJoe

Google it, Dan.

This rant was brought to you by thc bbbbbbbbbboooooooyyyyyyyyys