Take a walk with Thomas


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
All of the following content was found on Reddit. It is posted here for informational purposes only. Opinions and actions of the redditor do not reflect my own.

Hello folksh, today we're going to do something a little different. This post format will be a little odd, as it will probably be 3 different posts on the thread to tell the story.

First, we find extreme activists. It doesn't matter if they are right or left. It only matters that they are extremist. We are looking for a certain mentality, not necessarily a specific political spectrum

Here we find tranny/fag extremists...



posting here is taking time away from my workouts

Our first action will be to play on the extremists tribal mentality. If they're gay, you hate gays. If they're conservative, you're a libtard. You are exploiting this mental shortcoming so that when you later establish that you're doing something stupid, their preconceived ideas will do your work for you



posting here is taking time away from my workouts
Within minutes we are getting calls to our burner. We want to establish that we are stupid, this can be done many ways including blatant misspellings, but in this case nonsensical zombie talk was used

And just like that, the extremist mentality has been exploited for your benefit. This will work very often and it will work bipartisan.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
Within minutes we are getting calls to our burner. We want to establish that we are stupid, this can be done many ways including blatant misspellings, but in this case nonsensical zombie talk was used

And just like that, the extremist mentality has been exploited for your benefit. This will work very often and it will work bipartisan.
The problem with this, sweetie, is that Nikki will be happy to receive the black dildo