Suicidial Nigger-Jim caught beating off by 1st Amendment Auditor



Almost feel bad for him...he's in his car, parked away from others... minding his own business, not peeping any kids or anything. These people who use recording as 'gotchyas' are so fucked. Redbar was right, you're either a genius or a uber-tard if you're pulling out your phone to record shit.


The Backbone of America
Almost feel bad for him...he's in his car, parked away from others... minding his own business, not peeping any kids or anything.
My buddy used to let this fucking dumbass idiot stay on his couch for $400 a month and he wasn't allowed to be there when my buddy wasn't home lol. If the guy was ever taking a shower or a shit my buddy would be like "You better not be jerking off in my fucking bathroom you piece of shit." The guy got caught jacking off in his car at a park in the middle of the night because he had nowhere else to do it. We of course called him a pedophile for the rest of the time we knew him.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Almost feel bad for him...he's in his car, parked away from others... minding his own business, not peeping any kids or anything. These people who use recording as 'gotchyas' are so fucked. Redbar was right, you're either a genius or a uber-tard if you're pulling out your phone to record shit.
I see your point, but how hard is it really to find a private place to jerk off? Nobody has ever caught me. I also don't beat off where retards with cameras are likely to notice, which I think is that guy's first issue.
The guy got caught jacking off in his car at a park in the middle of the night because he had nowhere else to do it.
I find that hard to believe. Not that it happened, but that he could not find anywhere else to whack. Why didn't he just do it in the shower? Nobody would have known unless he's an uncontrollable screamer or very careless with his arcing. People are just fucking weird, I guess.


The Backbone of America
I see your point, but how hard is it really to find a private place to jerk off? Nobody has ever caught me. I also don't beat off where retards with cameras are likely to notice, which I think is that guy's first issue.

I find that hard to believe. Not that it happened, but that he could not find anywhere else to whack. Why didn't he just do it in the shower? Nobody would have known unless he's an uncontrollable screamer or very careless with his arcing. People are just fucking weird, I guess.
I worded that badly, but he was borderline retarded. He was the stupidest person I've ever met. There's a million better spots than a children's park even if you are gonna go jack off in your car somewhere.