Street shitters vs Chinese bugmen vs niggers vs jews

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Shitters and Chinoids have number advantage, sooties have the physicality, and ovendodgers have cunning. If the Hindoos and slopes ever teamed up, that'd be an easy call. I think the hymies have at least one distinct advantage over the others: they can use all the others as proxies. It's a tough one, man.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
it's one of those unfortunate situations, you know the lose/lose/no chance/guarantee
Street Shitters. One day they just showed up in my area. I was taking the train into the city and at two stops it turned the car into little Bombay. Maybe it's the chink on the west coast - idk I've never been. Jews will win for a while before all the whites are pushed out and reality sets in that nonwhites don't give a fuck about the holocaust. Add in many coloreds don't see a difference between jews and whites and they'll be hunted down too. Blacks are too much like monkeys. It doesn't matter if it's another clan in Africa or another group of niggers two blocks over, there's something about them that causes instant mistrust and hatred for all those not in their immediate group and they will die fighting each other over nothing.

I guess the one most likely to win is that ones that whites will fuck the most as they breed themselves into extinction. So I guess chinks now that I think it through.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Chinese no doubt. In Hitler's Table Talks one conversation is recorded, 'The final war for domination of the world will be between the Yellow and White races of the Earth. I won't be around for it, it may not happen for 500 years.'


black suit and a smile
Chinks could win but I'd hand it to the street shitters. There's a natural level of depravity and willingness to live in squalor in both communities, but I think the shitters can out breed anyone in the long run just because they live more like animals. The chinks told their people to knock it off with the babies and they all complied for decades which fucked their demographics up. You can't tell shitters to stop raping and breeding.


"Whiteness" will always be en vogue. What will happen is, just like Kikes 'whitefied' over 2 millennia...the Chinese and Streetshitters (elite) will also have whites at their top brass.

So how we have a "Jared Kushner" today who vaguely can pass for say, a Frenchman to the untrained're going to see the emergence of a new cadre of elites with names like "Yichen Zhao" but with predominately europid type features. Alot of Elliot Rodger types aswell (Kike-Chinks) at the very top/hollywood etc.

Look at Arabs, you see Bashar Assad types are usually on top. Latin America aswell.


As long as it isn't the Pajeets, I can live with it. Chinamen are fine, Mondays are generally agreeable in civilized society, and the average Jew is tolerable occasionally.