Star Ship Troopers, is it in your top 10 movies?



Never seen it except the recruitment ad and it looked like satire thats supposed to make you think. Is it gay like that?


Jojo Rabbit is the superior fascism comedy.


Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Never seen it except the recruitment ad and it looked like satire thats supposed to make you think. Is it gay like that?
Nah, you don't need to do any fruity deconstruction or analysis of themes. The surface level movie is straightforward action, moves nicely and there's a sort of love story. You can go faaawwwkin deeeeep on it, but it's not necessary to enjoy the movie. Verhoeven knew what he was doing.


Dirty Bastard
Star ship troopers, an example of why disney are cunts. Buena Vista distributed the dvd in Europe and decided to save money and put it on a dual sided dvd instead of a dual layer dvd. Basically halfway through the cunting movie you got mickeys wanking glove telling you to turn the disc over


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Only Verhoeven could take a potentially vapid sci Fi blast em up and add subtext such as criticizing the military industrial complex, jingoism, and xenophobia, but do it in such a way that if you wanted to just turn your brain off, you can enjoy it for the surface sheen.

I feel odd saying it's one of the last true intelligent science fiction films, because so many people miss the metaphors and I have no idea how.