Spics should not be allowed to be in possession of Bluetooth speakers or breadcrumbs for pigeons


The Backbone of America
I actually had to spend time in town today and I'm having one of those days where I just woke up pissed off, like the Limp Bizkit song. I saw the same wigger carrying some Bluetooth boombox thing twice. The second time I was like "nobody wants to hear your fucking nigger music but you, go steal some headphones." He was like "fuck you, goof" then I flipped out and told him I was going to put a drywall axe through his fucking forehead and smash the boombox to shit and he turned it down and power walked away. Then I was getting gas and these two pakis just kept screaming the same word at eachother from across the lot over and over and I just yelled "shut the fuck up" and they both walked way over to the side of the road and just continued screaming what sounded like "COME ON" in eachothers faces but they weren't being aggressive, I think that's just how these cunts communicate. An old guy at the pump across from me was like "fuckin right" and gave me a thumbs up. Everyone else was just shaking their heads and staring at me like I was a psycho.


The Backbone of America
I actually had to spend time in town today and I'm having one of those days where I just woke up pissed off, like the Limp Bizkit song. I saw the same wigger carrying some Bluetooth boombox thing twice. The second time I was like "nobody wants to hear your fucking nigger music but you, go steal some headphones." He was like "fuck you, goof" then I flipped out and told him I was going to put a drywall axe through his fucking forehead and smash the boombox to shit and he turned it down and power walked away. Then I was getting gas and these two pakis just kept screaming the same word at eachother from across the lot over and over and I just yelled "shut the fuck up" and they both walked way over to the side of the road and just continued screaming what sounded like "COME ON" in eachothers faces but they weren't being aggressive, I think that's just how these cunts communicate. An old guy at the pump across from me was like "fuckin right" and gave me a thumbs up. Everyone else was just shaking their heads and staring at me like I was a psycho.
Say "just" again, you fucking IDIOT


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
My 6hrs/week in the subway says that blacks have an insurmountable lead and are lapping the competition in obnoxious bluetooth usage. On my way home today I saw a black kid rapping outloud and doing the music video shit with his hands so even when they use earbuds you still gotta hear it. Happens pretty regularly and is extremely embarrassing to witness. Even saw a white kid in a blue jays hat doing it once.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
My 6hrs/week in the subway says that blacks have an insurmountable lead and are lapping the competition in obnoxious bluetooth usage. On my way home today I saw a black kid rapping outloud and doing the music video shit with his hands so even when they use earbuds you still gotta hear it. Happens pretty regularly and is extremely embarrassing to witness. Even saw a white kid in a blue jays hat doing it once.
well obviously niggers are always going to be the last word in being annoying
My 6hrs/week in the subway says that blacks have an insurmountable lead and are lapping the competition in obnoxious bluetooth usage. On my way home today I saw a black kid rapping outloud and doing the music video shit with his hands so even when they use earbuds you still gotta hear it. Happens pretty regularly and is extremely embarrassing to witness. Even saw a white kid in a blue jays hat doing it once.
They can't do ANYTHING without an obnoxious soundtrack. You're in line at a retarded convenience store, trying to make a brief purchase, and they're blasting some intensely gay music for no reason other than to deliberately be as annoying as possible.


Stop saying crazy things like blacks can't behave on public transit

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/mbta-orange-line-shuttle-driver-attacked-by-group-of-juveniles-transit-police-say/ar-AA11oqXU[/URL]


That would be nostalgic and wouldn't bother me.
It's funny. I grew up in that area surrounded by other spics and blacks and never once was robbed. Went to Charlestown to visit a friend and was robbed at gunpoint by some white boy in the projects. Never again. I'll stick to Chelsea thank you.


I have a face like a shovel
I mean- to be a "spic" you have to speak something that is kinda/sorta resembles Spanish
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