Sooooooo Danny, what’s your problem with “Little Nicky”?


Still spreading the O&A virus
This was what led to Danny’s ultimate demise
Danny inviting some spic thief to Anthony's house was a big one. That one exposed that he was a loser, with loser friends. And it exposed that Anthony and Keith the Cop were both huge pussies because they let the thief go after he robbed Anthony's girlfriend of the money in her purse.

I remember thinking about that moment on the day Anthony was fired. When some whore accosts Anthony in the street, he turns into a little faggot, and goes to Twitter to fight his battle.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Danny inviting some spic thief to Anthony's house was a big one. That one exposed that he was a loser, with loser friends. And it exposed that Anthony and Keith the Cop were both huge pussies because they let the thief go after he robbed Anthony's girlfriend of the money in her purse.

I remember thinking about that moment on the day Anthony was fired. When some whore accosts Anthony in the street, he turns into a little faggot, and goes to Twitter to fight his battle.

Hey, back off! This isn't your show!