Something fucked up I overheard.



Some chick was video calling some 3 year old boy (he seemed like a toddler or just past that age). Presumably it was her nephew or something.
Anyway, I heard her say "do you know what gay means?" And I was thinking wtf. I looked over and she asked him again, and he said no. And then she said, "it's when you like the same gender".

Why the fuck is she telling him that? He's 3 years old. I wanted to fucking do something but then I'd look like the bad guy?
Or am I in the wrong here and who gives a care?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Cops don't do shit. My sister's ex was sending threatening text messages to my niece who was 13 or 14 at the time. One message straight up read "i'm going to kill you", all the cops said was not to reply to it.


Stand Alone Fruit
It’s because the media had made ridiculous things like “trans kids” a reality. A 6 year old boy who thinks he’s a girl now has their parents getting a doctor pumping them full of drugs to trick their body into believing they’re a girl instead of a boy.