So you can collect disability for being autistic?


We're you the Rican from the old sub who was scamming that fat chick to sleep on her couch and relieve fellatio?
Fellatio never happened. I did sleep on her couch for a while though but I made it clear I needed somewhere to stay for a bit as things were going on. She's the one who insisted on making meals for me, I would have been more than happy with eating nothing but grilled ham and cheese sandwiches but I don't say no to free food.
Fellatio never happened. I did sleep on her couch for a while though but I made it clear I needed somewhere to stay for a bit as things were going on. She's the one who insisted on making meals for me, I would have been more than happy with eating nothing but grilled ham and cheese sandwiches but I don't say no to free food.
Glad you're doing well hermano.

Joe's False Teethers

Moo moo moo moo
At what point do you roll your eyes at these burdens?

Too retarded to go shopping? Too retarded to not spend $700 on products you’ve never heard of?

Wouldn’t it follow that you are too retarded to shop? Too retarded to have a checking or savings account? Too retarded to be left unattended?

So now we ALL have to contend with so-called ”retards” who you can barely tell from interacting with them that they’re retarded?

That girl is fairly articulate. You have to go by their anime shirts now? You can’t sell anything to anyone anymore! Because they might be too stupid to consent to the purchase? Is The DMAN reading this right?

Preying on children, women, and old people with scams is one thing…. Why are we keeping these adults alive? If they’re so helpless they are burdens we cannot bear.
I too support eugenics


Craig has been hanging with me for about 2 years now which is pretty crazy. The others refuse to get close to me and it kinda bums me out, but they still accept the the food I give them.

Tomorrow is my Sunday off so I gotta go feed them. I got grapes, peanuts, and a pack of tuna ready to go.
to artie, the richest man I know!