So where is our Kwai Chang Caine at with Quasi’s money?



Is the SFWA off the hook for funding this pedophile apologist not to mention enabling the thievery of Mr. Tate’s classic works? It seems like nothing is going down on these parts.

On an unrelated note I’m apparently a huge faggot. Discuss.


If I'm not mistaken, they funded the lawsuit itself but it was Torque's lawsuit. Torque is on the hook for the repercussions of said lawsuit.

Resto somehow ran up a bill of almost $100k. The SFWA paid that bill. Rick has another bill because he sued Quasi in Cali and lost. The SFWA isn't paying that.

On an unrelated note, I thought we were all faggots here.


If I'm not mistaken, they funded the lawsuit itself but it was Torque's lawsuit. Torque is on the hook for the repercussions of said lawsuit.

Resto somehow ran up a bill of almost $100k. The SFWA paid that bill. Rick has another bill because he sued Quasi in Cali and lost. The SFWA isn't paying that.

On an unrelated note, I thought we were all faggots here.
But wasn’t Jerry The Last Samurai Jen supposed to lay the smackdown on the pedos for the bill (Pedos, faggot autocorrect not pesos! Leave @aRTie02150’s people out of this!)

I could never call you names, Mr. Ferguson with that avatar. Hey you know Chairman of the Board should be spelled B-o-r-e-d!


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
But wasn’t Jerry The Last Samurai Jen supposed to lay the smackdown on the pedos for the bill

Not quite. Jerry was trying to find out how the SFWA funded the lolsuit - was it a loan, a straight gift, or what - and also what kind of relationship Pat has with the organisation that enables him to spend such a huge amount of charity money on a stupid vanity project.

The SFWA refuse to go into any details, as (I suspect) any hint that they've pissed $100k+ of member's money up against the wall on something that stupid would end very badly. I think that's why they spent another $8k fighting Jerry over releasing any of the details.

The only thing they were willing to admit is that Pat has been a member of the SFWA for ten years - which is a lie, according to Pat. They weren't willing to admit how much he'd paid in membership fees, much less anything about the lolsuit. This could fuck Pat pretty badly, as $100k worth of income puts him in very different financial position compared to a $100k loan, and that will affect whatever repayment plan the judge signs off on.

Jerry did drop his fight with the SFWA pretty quickly, and my guess is that's because he's already got the necessary information from other sources - possibly by subpoenaing the law firms involved.


Quasi might be taking a financial breather after dropping ~$50,000 defending himself and entering the beginning stages of debt collection. The judgement is valid for 10 years and can be extended indefinitely, so he has plenty of time to collect on the Pig. He also has to get the debt domesticated in Wisconsin, and will probably have to hire a new attorney who is licensed in Wisconsin to conduct the debtor's exam.


Not quite. Jerry was trying to find out how the SFWA funded the lolsuit - was it a loan, a straight gift, or what - and also what kind of relationship Pat has with the organisation that enables him to spend such a huge amount of charity money on a stupid vanity project.

The SFWA refuse to go into any details, as (I suspect) any hint that they've pissed $100k+ of member's money up against the wall on something that stupid would end very badly. I think that's why they spent another $8k fighting Jerry over releasing any of the details.

The only thing they were willing to admit is that Pat has been a member of the SFWA for ten years - [URL='']which is a lie, according to Pat.[/URL] They weren't willing to admit how much he'd paid in membership fees, much less anything about the lolsuit. This could fuck Pat pretty badly, as $100k worth of income puts him in very different financial position compared to a $100k loan, and that will affect whatever repayment plan the judge signs off on.

Jerry did drop his fight with the SFWA pretty quickly, and my guess is that's because he's already got the necessary information from other sources - possibly by subpoenaing the law firms involved.
You are wise. But there’s a sadness to your wisdom.

So I guess the eventual smackdown on the SFWA pedos isn’t happening. Or not. Only time and ancient Chinese secret will tell.