So what's going on? Are you guys at the con or what?


Ask me about my cock size
I'd go to a con once just to see what it was like, even though I don't like science fiction. If anything it'd be good people watching and there'd have to be like some 5 who I could probably fuck.
Can't do that anymore. Everything has to be consensual, right down to the last detail. You coming into a con, not knowing anyone there and not being into the same thing that the con represents, will just make it seem like you have "dubious intentions".

I've seen it first-hand: All the broads at these things, are just as bad at interpersonal relationships as the men are (hence why "consent" guidelines at these things are so strict), and they're all on red alert the majority of the time (or close to it). They're just too guarded to fuck with.
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Watching Pat take another L. And getting a power-suck job from a redhead.

Slurp slurp.