So I've been playing Wolfenstein: The New Order...

And it is been great so far but suddenly I'm at the part in the game where it is revealed that the Germans stole secret Jewish technology from this mystic organisation which allowed them to win the war by propelling their technology and I suddenly lost all interest in the game. What I'm trying to say is that the game is trying to convey that the Jews are the chosen people and the Germans are filthy thieving untermenschen. That was the moment when the suspend of disbelief i had during the game became too much.
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Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
And it is been great so far but suddenly I'm at the part in the game where it is revealed that the Germans stole secret Jewish technology from this mystic organisation which allowed them to win the war by propelling their technology and I suddenly lost all interest in the game. What I'm trying to say is that the game is trying to convey that the Jews are the chosen people and the Germans are filthy untermenschen and that was the moment when the suspend of disbelief i had during the game became too much.
Chernobyl held up well into the last episode where some kikes panicked and shoehorned the mandatory anti-anti-semitics lesson for the goyim.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
The Jews in it also has a assassin's creed like secret society and they had space tech. Should've use them during one of the 109 exile you know what I mean