shut up faggot





Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I bet he cries again. He's worse than Kevin Smith. What are they doing to men in Canada?

I was watching this recent interview he did with a lady who wrote a book on the trans issue and he got an hour in and I thought ‘ok maybe he won’t cry in this one'

1:07:20 Argh fuck there he goes again the cocksucker.

Imagine agreeing to go on somebody's show to promote your book and the interviewer just spontaneously starts crying in the middle of it. Jesus Christ man, pull yourself together.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I was watching this recent interview he did with a lady who wrote a book on the trans issue and he got an hour in and I thought ‘ok maybe he won’t cry in this one'

1:07:20 Argh fuck there he goes again the cocksucker.

Imagine agreeing to go on somebody's show to promote your book and the interviewer just spontaneously starts crying in the middle of it. Jesus Christ man, pull yourself together.

I hate this weepy cunt almost as much as Dan.



I was watching this recent interview he did with a lady who wrote a book on the trans issue and he got an hour in and I thought ‘ok maybe he won’t cry in this one'


1:07:20 Argh fuck there he goes again the cocksucker.

Imagine agreeing to go on somebody's show to promote your book and the interviewer just spontaneously starts crying in the middle of it. Jesus Christ man, pull yourself together.
That's Helen Joyce. She's incredibly bright and pretty tough too. Plus she's Irish, some of the most emotionally buttoned up people around. You can see her squirm with embarrassment when he starts weeping like a pregnant woman watching The Notebook.


I was thinking about the queen's passing one early morn as the dew glistened from the floral bed outside my study. I decided to organize my thoughts on paper, as momentously tragic occasions such as this call for cogent meditation. And then I cried and the wet droplets fell onto my legal pad. It was in this moment that my memory beckoned Dostoyevsky. The benzos took effect then and there and I fell into a meltdown and my wife summoned emergency responses to whisk me to the hospice.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
That's Helen Joyce. She's incredibly bright and pretty tough too. Plus she's Irish, some of the most emotionally buttoned up people around. You can see her squirm with embarrassment when he starts weeping like a pregnant woman watching The Notebook.

Honestly I had to skip past it. It just makes me cringe too much when he does that.