(Shitpost) Pat at a carnival Guess Your Weight game

A House Nigger

Zero Nigger Policy.

Drunk like mr Lahey


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
The funny thing about this photo is that fat bitch was considered a circus freak back in the day and people would flock to the grotesque monstrosity. Fast forward to 2022 and you see people even bigger than that waddling around Milwaukee.
That’s why Pat genuinely doesn’t think of himself as fat.


The funny thing about this photo is that fat bitch was considered a circus freak back in the day and people would flock to the grotesque monstrosity. Fast forward to 2022 and you see people even bigger than that waddling around Milwaukee.
She has more life in her eyes than any woman half her size. She embraced that her lot in life was to be an attraction for people to stare at in amazement.