
Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Seems like the SFWA has even taken over communities ova here.



I was only jokin'
Nowadays, with modern journalism, whenever they say "unfounded" and try like hell to go to these lengths to suppress something and make it go away, you can rest assured that it's likely true.
It's really annoying how people buy the media-created "Satanic panic" narrative hook line and sinker. Is it really that hard to believe that fringe groups that are into weird shit like the occult could have chomos in their midst? Or that powerful people are into sick shit and that they'd use their connections to cover it up? Look at Savile, Epstein, the Marc Dutroux case, the Franklin Coverup, the Finders cult, the Lavender Mafia within the Catholic Church...the list is endless. Guess that can all be dismissed because the media made a circus and a joke out of the issue. It's two words that rhyme, how clever!

BBC by the way has a pedo statue out in the open on their building. So the same people that covered for Savile are telling you "nothing to see here". Give me a break.