Saw Apocalypse Now for the first time yesterday

Rink Lee Fa Ni

Watched Apocalypse Now for the first time the other day too. I thought it was a great movie but the experience was ruined by the fact the they allowed a colored gentleman to be in the movie



Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
one of the ones on my list that i just havent gotten around to, sadly. i really need to get back into watching movies again but i got fawkin jaded a while back cause jews and nigs

edit: you niggas actually make me want to watch movies again tho so cheers
The Vietnam era cinema of America is arguably peak. It was probably the only time “mainstream” culture questioned the government narrative. I can’t recommend Apocalypse Now enough. The only film that maybe captured the horrors of the bullshit war in a more realistic manner was “The Deer Hunter”. Solely because the first half shows America and her perfection/happiness beforehand, then shows how depressed and defeated everyone was after the fact. To this day, nothing has made me feel as depressed as that movie. It fucks with my every thought.


the documentree they made called hearts of darkness about the making of the movie is pretty good too. brando was fawking crazy and showed up to the set all fat and was a huge pain in the ass.
Gotta see that. Yeah I thought it was super similar to Heart of Darkness by Joseph Campbell.... Appears that was intentional.


Boy does it make modern movies look like absolute dog shit.

What an insanely great movie.
John Kapelos (janitor from the Breakfast Club) made a joke on set about Martin Sheen having a heart attack which upset the jock kid played by Emilio Estevez (Sheen’s kid). Not a fun fact because that’s horrible but I’ve been drinking and whatnot.

tl;dr Better Call Saul has been kind of a disappointment


The Vietnam era cinema of America is arguably peak. It was probably the only time “mainstream” culture questioned the government narrative. I can’t recommend Apocalypse Now enough. The only film that maybe captured the horrors of the bullshit war in a more realistic manner was “The Deer Hunter”. Solely because the first half shows America and her perfection/happiness beforehand, then shows how depressed and defeated everyone was after the fact. To this day, nothing has made me feel as depressed as that movie. It fucks with my every thought.
It's top of my list now to the point I'm actively actually downloading it, no promises on when i can watch it sadly but I know its one of those ones I have to watch.