Samcro Joe has his Scorch 'this is why I do this' moment'

Also it's 'VOILA' fucking dunce


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Life of my story
"Hey, if the twelve people at the bar could stop laughing with your backs to me, I'm trying to tell you how SOME OF US WERE LUCKY."

This post also just brought back a memory of sitting at a bar about 15 years ago and the guy next to me starts up a conversation. Within two minutes he tells me he's a DJ at the local "rock" radio station. So I sit there despising and pitying him for the 15 minutes it took me to remove myself from the conversation while he tried to make himself sound like an absolute rock star living an enchanted life. I didn't have the heart to tell him I know how awful his job and life really are and that I have too much self-respect to ever want to be like him. Joe is just like that guy, without the benefit of healthcare or on-air time.