s a t u r d a y ....night! Drunk thread

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
getting drunk at Ivy and Coney in DC tonight. Join if you want to talk about fat faggots with bitch tits


Didn’T LisTen
Hell yeah! Having beers at Hooters. I was supposed to meet friends at the OC Fair, but couldn’t find any goddamn parking at all. So I gave up and dropped into the nearby Hooters. Girls here are hot as fuck. I think they like me.

I’ll probably wrap up here and pick up a burrito on my way home and watch a movie on Tubi. Kinda feel like I should be making more of a rare Saturday night off, but whatevs.

@Upton Baby Sinclair where we at with the fair? You take your kid this year? Kinda feel like I dodged a bullet. Shit’s so expensive now. I did want that giant ass corndog tho.
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