Ric Flairs last match ..


How does that feel?!
Anyone want to come watch the circus ?

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I have a face like a shovel
that nigga wore a fucking shirt....smh yo

..and yes- I know he did the same thing in his last Nitro match....WE HEARD YOU


Stand Alone Fruit
I saw a clip of the end and you can hear him telling his tag partner he passed out during the figure 4. He said he’s turned down something like 10 other matches. Knowing him and how he handles his money if he needs it he will wrestle again. He should have died (him and hogan survived plane crashes) so many times yet somehow still standing. I think he might outlive Terry Funk who I’ve read is in a home with dementia.


Stand Alone Fruit
Flair will have another match after his next divorce. He spent every dime that he ever earned and somehow still thought it would be smart to open a finance company in 2007.

He is still getting pussy and he will always get my respect.
It’s amazing how he never learned how to handle his money after getting cleaned out so many times. I think even Vince McMahon loaned him money in the 2000’s.


Stand Alone Fruit
I'll stand by what I'm about to say

With that prefaced I firmly believe that Ric knows that throwing away money the way he did was a part of his gimmick
That’s what they say is the issue with Ric, over the years the lines blurred between Richard Fliehr and Ric Flair. He can’t turn it off and became his character.