return to monke

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
how do you have energy for physical labor or gym without carbs
also more ray wilson vocaroos plz
Well basically, fat in the form of butter, ghee, olive oil, the actual fat of an animal etc. is denser in calories than anything else, so you won't be calorie deficient. The thing is, fat independent of carbs directly nourishes the body or is shat out; it doesn't translate into body fat.

But because fat is so dense in calories, it's actually more logical to use that as a fuel source, not carbs. Everything that is carbohydrate-based also has a massive drawback, whether it be the fibre that does MORE intestinal damage than it does in preventing it, or brain fog or whatever.

You can do carnivore and still drink milk like crazy which a lot of bodybuilders do, and milk has fat, protein, sugars and carbs. In 2019 I was drinking a litre a day along with steak and I got leaner and more muscular, so you don't have to get rid of carbs if you're unsure of it.


Well basically, fat in the form of butter, ghee, olive oil, the actual fat of an animal etc. is denser in calories than anything else, so you won't be calorie deficient. The thing is, fat independent of carbs directly nourishes the body or is shat out; it doesn't translate into body fat.

But because fat is so dense in calories, it's actually more logical to use that as a fuel source, not carbs. Everything that is carbohydrate-based also has a massive drawback, whether it be the fibre that does MORE intestinal damage than it does in preventing it, or brain fog or whatever.

You can do carnivore and still drink milk like crazy which a lot of bodybuilders do, and milk has fat, protein, sugars and carbs. In 2019 I was drinking a litre a day along with steak and I got leaner and more muscular, so you don't have to get rid of carbs if you're unsure of it.
okay good coz I like milk. maybe the milk will help me ease into the diet.


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
okay good coz I like milk. maybe the milk will help me ease into the diet.

I'd also recommend, like, not overdoing it and getting bored at first. If you insist on eating a pizza and other junk on a Sunday, that's not going to kill you. It's the bullshit like "well I'm a little hungry so I'll eat some chips and maybe a Coke" that's the killer imo. Or if you insist on having things that aren't from animals, eggs, bacon, sausages with avocado and tomato isn't a bad breakfast.

No bacon, cheese, egg on a roll.

Dan, that's...