Remember when Bryan Callen was accused of rape?


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.


They just want it to blow over. But it won't!


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Crowder (obviously gay) got called-out for showing his cock to staff, & he always seemed to want to dress in ladies clothes... extra wierd since his mother was his 'wardrobe assistnt'... so he was always getting measured-up for female clothes, very odd
Why is every right wing subculture a gay sex cult? I'll never get it. They're some how at least as gay as the leftists and never terroristic.
Why is every right wing subculture a gay sex cult? I'll never get it. They're some how at least as gay as the leftists and never terroristic.
it might be total projection, I'm a bit fruity but I'm also pretty rugged & confident in myself, so who cares... but some of these strongly right-wing guys seem to be overcompensating... Crowder is a good example; he loves wearing women's clothes & he's obviously a bit gay.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
it might be total projection, I'm a bit fruity but I'm also pretty rugged & confident in myself, so who cares... but some of these strongly right-wing guys seem to be overcompensating... Crowder is a good example; he loves wearing women's clothes & he's obviously a bit gay.
Just a bit. Spencer, milo, fuentes... nana.


May St. Mel bless you
It didn’t amount to much since most people have no idea who he is and those that do couldn’t believe he would try to have sex with a woman.
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Why is every right wing subculture a gay sex cult? I'll never get it. They're some how at least as gay as the leftists and never terroristic.
A lot of it was when all the 4chan fags started flocking to Conservatism in great numbers. They're the kind of dudes who 100% jerk off to anime and listen to videogame soundtracks for fun for hours on end. So you got these hundreds of thousands of retarded geeks flowing into the Republican party, which is valuable, but they're intensely retarded and homosexual, which is undermining the entire point of conserving traditional values and expectations of me.

tl;dr autistics making a mess of everything they touch


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
A lot of it was when all the 4chan fags started flocking to Conservatism in great numbers. They're the kind of dudes who 100% jerk off to anime and listen to videogame soundtracks for fun for hours on end.
Having an Odd Couple type of show featuring a gooner and a roommate that focuses on semen retention would be more entertaining than the premise for Tires