Reddit has become unfathomably gay over the past few years


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Yes, I know it always was (other than us of course :colin_sm:) but it's crazy how fucking weird it's gotten since we left there. I remember when it was just silver and gold that you could get on a post, which was gay enough. Now it's about 100 different little stickers that people pay for for each other and every username now has some weird string of "achievements" next to them. It's so fucking queer. It's like they want to turn the whole site into some weird heirarchy of power users and karma chasing faqgots.

That's not even mentioning what an insane, far left shithole it is in general. Any post about trans lunacy has 90% brainwashed NPCs commenting positivity. If you dare say anything against it, you're banned from the whole site and called a bigot. Mods of every subreddit lock any thread that's even slightly controversial because they're terrified of losing their tiny bit of internet power. There's also the fact that half the posts on there are likely made up. Any popular upvoted shit on there is either from bots, reposts or just made up horseshit that's just designed to get updoots.

Fucking hellhole of a site. Worse than Twitter in most ways.

You're welcome for this dose of Sunday afternoon positivity, gang :mel_sm:

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
The general atmosphere of Reddit has always been gay as fuck. I avoided that site like the plague for years before I stumbled on a handful of non faggot subs like ours that convinced me to stick around a bit. Now it seems that earlier preconceptions has only been proven right.

I think the death knell was that the cringy parts slowly started to seep into every orifice of the site. Niche subs got infested by squares and SJWs. Megalomaniacal powermods accumulated hegemony over dozens of subs. The whole polarisation thing meant that those types turned way more aggressive and intolerant as well. The existence of any type of dissent anywhere on the platform is like a personal affront to them, to the point where exterminating every trace of it has become one of the admins' top priority. It all became very totalitarian very quick.

If Reddit's like a microcosm of society at large like some of the mos there insist, then our future looks quite bleak, brothermans.


The general atmosphere of Reddit has always been gay as fuck. I avoided that site like the plague for years before I stumbled on a handful of non faggot subs like ours that convinced me to stick around a bit. Now it seems that earlier preconceptions has only been proven right.

I think the death knell was that the cringy parts slowly started to seep into every orifice of the site. Niche subs got infested by squares and SJWs. Megalomaniacal powermods accumulated hegemony over dozens of subs. The whole polarisation thing meant that those types turned way more aggressive and intolerant as well. The existence of any type of dissent anywhere on the platform is like a personal affront to them, to the point where exterminating every trace of it has become one of the admins' top priority. It all became very totalitarian very quick.

If Reddit's like a microcosm of society at large like some of the mos there insist, then our future looks quite bleak, brothermans.

I remember when Reddit first became popular, it was kinda useful to find stupid memes or random interesting things. But there was ALWAYS that tinge of "GOOD NATURED" faggotry. "Celebrating" retarded children doing something basic. Plastering niggers on the front page simply for existing. Introducing extremist political content to normies by way of astroturfed conversations between bots.

Millennials are just as stupid as old boomers who get scammed for gift cards, because millennials go on Reddit and think 3 bots posting canned replies to each other (which relay an obviously crafted story) is real, and they take it at face value and accept every word of it as fact.
On the knives subreddit recently someone complained that a knife store wouldn't ship him a perfectly legal knife to California.

Of course the post got locked because people told him to GTFO of a blue state. People complained about the War on Knives. People complained about the banks. All downvoted to oblivion because the sub is run by trannies who collect knives.

I'll admit I own more knives than I should but the day I buy a cabinet to show off a collection and post my retarded waste of money on Reddit will never come.

Whether it is knives, cars, growing shrooms, or shit talking about comedians, there is almost always a 90's style forum site devoted to it that is actually useful.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Yes, I know it always was (other than us of course :colin_sm:) but it's crazy how fucking weird it's gotten since we left there. I remember when it was just silver and gold that you could get on a post, which was gay enough. Now it's about 100 different little stickers that people pay for for each other and every username now has some weird string of "achievements" next to them. It's so fucking queer. It's like they want to turn the whole site into some weird heirarchy of power users and karma chasing faqgots.

That's not even mentioning what an insane, far left shithole it is in general. Any post about trans lunacy has 90% brainwashed NPCs commenting positivity. If you dare say anything against it, you're banned from the whole site and called a bigot. Mods of every subreddit lock any thread that's even slightly controversial because they're terrified of losing their tiny bit of internet power. There's also the fact that half the posts on there are likely made up. Any popular upvoted shit on there is either from bots, reposts or just made up horseshit that's just designed to get updoots.

Fucking hellhole of a site. Worse than Twitter in most ways.

You're welcome for this dose of Sunday afternoon positivity, gang :mel_sm:
The internet is where deformed mutants like Patrick and worse larp as people that matter.

They're poor, mentally ill useless burdens.

I have 50k TwiTTer followers and am $50,000 in debt for sticking my retarded snout into the real world.

These 'people' are nothings that need culling.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
I sometimes read the soccer subreddit (I know, I know) and they added the option to put a “transpride” tag next to your name.

It makes no sense at all. You can argue racism is a “problem” in soccer with Italians throwing bananas at black players and what not, but you can’t add BLM or any tags like that. Not that I’d want them either but it’d at least make more sense.

I don’t get how tranny politics has invaded everything. It’s bizarre.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
The frequent thread locking is so bizarre.

If you don’t want certain topics discussed on your platform, fine, but what is the point of daily posts about shit like Drag Story Time if they’re invariably locked at the first even remotely critical comment.

It’s like Flanders buying cable and locking out every channel.
Locked because ya’ll can’t behave.