Real ass dude of the week

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
OK, he was being a dick (probably drunk or high) but their hysterics afterward are pure gold. Faggots.
I don’t know it seems like dude did bust up the old chink pretty badly. I guess I could never justify smacking a broad around. Unless she fucked a Cumia or something.


Didn’T LisTen
Good looking dude you gotta admit.
M. Shadows lookin-ass.



I don’t know it seems like dude did bust up the old chink pretty badly. I guess I could never justify smacking a broad around. Unless she fucked a Cumia or something.
Agreed; assaulting the lady like that was unforgiveable. I was more talking about how they were overreacting to his 'racial slurs'. If they are so sensitive about that they can go home back to their own people. But they won't because they feel entitled to be here now.