/r/MenWritingWomen bit, pls updoot


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
No, child. I did not.

In all honesty it’s hilarious but I hate the disappointing feeling when I think it’s some rando hating on pat then I click the profile and see a big WOW sticker :(
Fair enough, brotherman.

Tbf it was low-effort on part, and I didn't want do something too obvious since OP's post was still early.

Plus, had I called Rick a pig, you know a faggot redditer would've told me off for body-shaming.

Sink Inspector

Jackie Singh fat
Account got Oopsie Doodle'd on that subreddit like a day after the post got removed by them and deleted by the OP, someone big breasted definitely oinked at the jannies lol


Designated Shitposter
Please nobody link this person to Patrick's Robin Williams blog post. I'm sure the people on that sub would just love the part where he decides for his wife that she was lying to herself when she said she doesn't love him (a lie she continues to tell herself to this day).

This is an often overlooked point in the saga. He's telling the story from his point of view and he still can't help but show what a intolerable and domineering douchebag he is.

Way to speak for your ex even after she's gone, you mealy-mouthed asshole.