Question for the original Simpsons accounts


that nigga blessed if you ask me ❤️
You start riding your bike yet or is this what you’re spending your time on? I’d give anything to be a fly on the wall for a conversation with your mom. “Hey Dougie, did you meet a nice girl yet?” “So this user Sue Lightning said he didn’t like The Simpsons so I made a bunch of accounts to car crash him.” “Sigh, well save the date for your sister’s wedding. I’m assuming you’ll be coming alone.” “He’s gay but he’s never fucked a guy!” *chugs wine on top of her Xanax* as she remembers how he vowed to destroy the SEO for Flavia’s cleaning company. I’m assuming your dad is dead so I’ll leave that one alone.

Warm regards,


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
You start riding your bike yet or is this what you’re spending your time on? I’d give anything to be a fly on the wall for a conversation with your mom. “Hey Dougie, did you meet a nice girl yet?” “So this user Sue Lightning said he didn’t like The Simpsons so I made a bunch of accounts to car crash him.” “Sigh, well save the date for your sister’s wedding. I’m assuming you’ll be coming alone.” “He’s gay but he’s never fucked a guy!” *chugs wine on top of her Xanax* as she remembers how he vowed to destroy the SEO for Flavia’s cleaning company. I’m assuming your dad is dead so I’ll leave that one alone.

Warm regards,

I said what I said about Dougie and I’ll stand by it. He’s a bitter lonely loser. Walk away, sasster.

I heard you and Dougie isn’t a bad guy at heart. I just feel a certain way because he said Treeks is a faggot that will burn in hell. Fuck him and his fake dead fiancee. I would kill myself if I was engaged to him too.

Not sure which Simpsons character to tag but I know you see this. How’s the wife search going? I don’t know where you get off bumping a bunch of old Sue threads. You want me to bump the ones where you can’t get up courage to ask a white chick to dance?
