Quasi gets the band back together


May St. Mel bless you

Quasi: Alright the new Forum is live. Time to round up the Pests. We got a Mission to do.


Hey Quasi, I here you got the O&A forums back. You don't have to convince me. I'm in.


You man, I'll join back up. But if we do it, we do it my way.


Quasi, you are crazy. Do you know the odds of fighting the Pig in two different states? Never mind what the Twitter army will do to your forums. You're never going to succeed...

...without us. We're in, you crazy son of a bitch.


Quasi, I got a new life. A new job and girl. I can't just up and join the O&A forum without abandoning all that.

Why are you walking away? I never said I wouldn't sign back up. When you're in the WOW Army, you're in for life. Hell yeah I'm in.

We're ending this culture of harassment..jpg

You didn't think you were going to launch a new O&A forum without me? I'm in. Let's roast that Pig.


Powdered Toast Man
“Why do you join him? You have no quarrel with Patrick Tomlinson”
“Because my son was raped by a Cumia. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”