Psycho 2 > Psycho



That's a little known fact. Watch Psycho 2 today and thank me later.

Never seen the other sequels but assuming theyre shit.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Psycho 2 isn't better than Psycho, but it's almost a worthy sequel to the original.

Also: Janet Leigh > Meg Tilly

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Meg Tilly is a boring actress and her weird hapa face puts me off.

Never seen the other sequels but assuming theyre shit.
The fourth one is not so bad. The third one is meh but Jeff Fahey is good in it.
I recently watched Psycho 3 and was surprised that it's pretty good. It mostly just follows the 80s slasher formula, but it's among the better of those ones.

This image creeped a brothaman out:
