Posters that experienced character development thread



@Flavia's Prolapsed Peckah went through a phase despising right wing posters targeting users like @RobertMewler, went on a mission to take down the Big Ass Card Holders, became radicalized for some reason and a right wing poster himself .. and rise again seems to be back to normal.

@Jenna started a bit account as a protest against the alliance but is now on track to a fate similar to the Bjork stlaker. Jewish. Kind of ironic to have a feud with Dougie since Jenna's posts today in bitching about right wing posters being cringey are similar to what Dougie used to post. was a sworn enemy of @ShutYourCakeHorn but they became friends because they bonded over some gook video game side character.

@NoBacon board game enthusiast, didn't really have an identity on the board. used to have "mybb" at the end of his name. became radicalized for some reason and an outspoken fundamentalist on the board intent on taking down pedophiles that everyone is familiar with now thinks he infiltrated the board as a catholic canadian and had everyone fooled ignoring the fact it's the internet and anyone can say anything and no one actually gives a shit who you are. exposed his tomfoolery and that he was actually a Muslim all along. no body cares.

@captain_kamala revealed herself to actually be a white girl who had everyone fooled thinking she was a nigger with a big belly button. became black again.

@Dont Ban Me Quasi / :dm_small:: started hobnobbing with actual terrorists, got banned, became a part of the Pativerse himself.

that's all I got. Sometimes I wish the Kiwi Niggers would categorize the forms as a "lolcow community" because so much funny shit doesn't get documented and it's too hard to piece together going back in time. We basically ARE the show (Dan, that's a sub reference).