Post pfgforums/Kiwifarms merger meeting

Ok hello everyone. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Father of FOUR!. Hello. For those of you who do know me, keep schtum!

I'm a man of simple pleasures. I don't need lovely interfaces, beautiful girls and classy subforums, so it's a good job I moved to pfgforums! No it's great to be at pfgforums, really it is. I've just spent a year at Stormfront!

Hehe. Now, I know Minaw is feeling a bit worried about taking on all this new staff, because, as manager, it's gonna mean a lot more responsibilty - he'll now have to delegate twice as much patposting! But there will be perks for him. I'm sure he's looking forward to having a new group of men underneath him. Anyway, here's the man at the top of the pile - Minaw!

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader