


I’d say kill ‘em, but our government could use that as an excuse for even more bull shit. I’d say let ‘em go but, but then we have 2 faggots back in the country. And some type of chink one to top it off. It’s a tough one, man.
Russians like to send convicts to slave labor camps (gulags)...they might even claim they're executed but instead have them working in some mine shaft in Siberia hauling asbestos or whatever until they die from exhaustion.


Probably CIA workers doing illegal foreign internal defense for some CIA connected contractor. Happens all of the time.
These guys aren't SAD. If they are America is in big trouble. And if they were non official cover intel people they would've been under the aid worker/charity/engineer/professor/import export business person umbrella. What's way more likely is what is obvious. They're dipshits who thought they were useful in a clash of civilisations struggle and put it all on the line. What they didn't know is they were up against a 2nd World former superpower with a grief-filled paranoid worldview who think the world is out to get them despite all real world evidence to the contrary.

Russians are the the geopolitical equivalent of the girl who was hot for 2 years before she got fat and started growing facial hair. Now she's still fertile and has big tits but everything else about her is disgusting and embarrassing and no one wants to be seen holding hands with her in public, though they will still pay to cum on her tits (buy her oil) once a month.


They're so fucked, and I feel zero pity for them. Especially the guy who did two tours in Iraq. What did you think was gonna happen?
And their families are begging Biden to get them back LOLOLOL. I doubt he even knows they exist. We can't even get a box-munching jig basketball player out on a weed charge.


Still spreading the O&A virus
These guys aren't SAD. If they are America is in big trouble. And if they were non official cover intel people they would've been under the aid worker/charity/engineer/professor/import export business person umbrella.
The CIA is run by complete retard rights now. They are constantly using former military idiots to run these failed 'nation building' and leader installation programs. One of them was just busted up in Haiti being run by former SEAL named Chris McKinley. Who is the SEAL who famously shot himself in the stomach in his parked car and blamed it in "three black youths" trying to rob him. "Hey you gotta a phone here...two niggers just stole my truck".


black suit and a smile
If the Russians hang them, then I am going to be afraid for my cum-eating Russian friends in Brighton Beach.