Piggy squeals when you call him "fat"


#1 Poster

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I own 5 short term rentals here and personal house, my real house in Canada, my old house in NJ, and a town house condo on a breezy island I won't name lol. The rentals are all pid off they all cost below 150K when I bought them all are worth well in excess of 200k now. I funded the purchases with money I invested from my 2 multi-unit buildings I bought in the 90s. My cottage has a small mortgage I took after buying for improvements using using equity I had after I paid off the original one because it offered no tax advantage as an expat. My house in Canada I have 70 plus percent in equity in it with a small mortgage that has less than 10 years and I might pay it off in 4 when my term is up if rates are crazy. The NJ house was paid off long ago as I always paid more and is rented, the renters are looking to buy somewhere or were so I may convert it to short rental. The condo is also rented, I have an agency that takes care of it, they rob me, but the fees, taxes, and utilities get paid and I get a few hundred bucks a month paid quarterly as "profit".

Now tell me about equity you retarded millennial?Nearly everything is wholly owned. We also have a pile of cash or near cash assets that are available. A massive downturn won't even hurt me as our profits have been so good the past 5 years as we've grown this and are all in was like 650-700 on the 5 BnBs. Were bringing in probably an honest 100k after costs on them a year. They're still assets and will never crash below 100k a piece, though realistically they'll never fall below cost. So say we had purchased them all at once for 700, they're worth a million now even after sale costs and we made 500k (low) in profit in 5 years. That's yielding over 20% and the revenue stream will always be there. We're also learning and now will only keep 2 properties open from Thanksgiving until April saving costs as the demand is really summer driven.

We do very good, in fact we'd do better with a few more, but I'm getting older and the utility goes down as the work goes up. I could buy more literally a dozen if they were mortgaged, but the margins would be so much lower for the risk, because hurr durr equity you fucking dimwit. Real estate is a great investment because you pace inflation in most instances. So if you strike early and take advantage of cheap money you can grow wealth. As for equities vs real estate I have a decent share of money invested in equities though despite deflationary pressure I am in a mostly cash offset by some treasuries 2 years and less. I just bought some series I after the rate adjustment announcement. Do you have any advice for me?


#1 Poster
"Daddy, why don't you go to work like my friend's mom and dads?"

This season... Pigboy is back... In Pigboy 2...

His dad is back and stupider than ever... and is totally distracted by his racist online friends!

Pigboy finds a way out of his trailer home and into a whole lot of mischief!


1 star - The Times


"Daddy, why don't you go to work like my friend's mom and dads?"

This season... Pigboy is back... In Pigboy 2...

His dad is back and stupider than ever... and is totally distracted by his racist online friends!

Pigboy finds a way out of his trailer home and into a whole lot of mischief!

View attachment 54755

1 star - The Times
Are those the actual hooves? Jeeeeesus Christ.