Piggy is going back to college?


Opie Simp









Niki is such a complex character. On one hand, she comes off as so compassionate and caring when she is reaching out about educational opportunities for her mentally disabled husband, and she'll even come off as normal when reaching about bitcoin mining services. But then she sees a person of color or a transperson, and she just fucking loses it and becomes an ultra MAGA, card carrying white supremacist.


Opie Simp
I genuinely think we have him by the balls with this bit. He can’t do shit about it, there’s an infinite amount of contact forms for us to hit, and his wife surely feels differently about letting the idiots win.

It’s only a matter of time.
Agreed, I'm not even going nuts with the bit. 3-4 contact forms a day, takes me literally 15 minutes to find the forms and complete them.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
The only problem I have with this bit is you're giving Patrick a chance to do damage control.

My advice is to set a 1 week timer, create a folder named "Please do have fun" and store your images in it.
1 week later it's almost like you're receiving a gift of a fun project. Remember to clear out that folder so you can save different images into it next time and not re-use old one.

Harry Powell

The only problem I have with this bit is you're giving Patrick a chance to do damage control.

My advice is to set a 1 week timer, create a folder named "Please do have fun" and store your images in it.
1 week later it's almost like you're receiving a gift of a fun project. Remember to clear out that folder so you can save different images into it next time and not re-use old one.
How do you know that’s not what he’s doing?