Pig and Malort


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Why does he always bring up this liquor? Has anyone tried it who isn’t a fat faggot with bitch tits?



It's apparently incredibly bitter and shitty and it's like some Chicago rite of passage or something to do a shot or to get someone who doesn't know better to do a shot. I guess it's funny in a way but it's not something to brag about like Rick does. I think he's trying to put on the "I'm the worldy drinker/alcoholic. Of course I know all of these obscure alcohols". Meanwhile he shows off a bottle of Jefferson's Ocean, something you can buy on shelves anywhere vs any number of more sought-after, rare, unicorn bourbons. Not that there's anything wrong with Ocean, drink it if you like it. But he was putting on airs like he was a manly bourbon drinker with a fucking gimmick bourbon. Everything about his persona is fake and hateable.


Didn’T LisTen
I’ve had it a few times while on trips to Chicongo. It’s pretty bad, but not as bad as it’s made out to be and is a little more palatable every time. To me, it has an overly intense bitter taste of grapefruit, like they grind up the peels to make it, or something.