Petition to have "they are the worst people in the universe" the official site tagline


they are the worst people in the universe


The gunslinger.
There's people who make snuff films and people who pay for them. There's people who do horrible things to children. There's so much fucking evil in the world and we're the worst of it. A bunch of regular jerkoffs making fun of queefy people.

There’s work shy losers who drain society, like Paul Weimer and Pat. There’s victimhood chasing deadbeats like Paul Weimer and Pat. Pedophiles like Paul Weimer and Pat. Absent fathers like Pat. Degenerate creeps who write erotic fiction about children like Paul Weimer and Pat.

The list is endless.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
There's people who make snuff films and people who pay for them. There's people who do horrible things to children. There's so much fucking evil in the world and we're the worst of it. A bunch of regular jerkoffs making fun of queefy people.
It goes:

1. Us. (Every. Single. One. Of. Us.)

2. Trump

3. Kiwi Farms users/Trump supporters

All purveyors of genocide, child rapists, terrorists and cartel members skinning people alive have at least some redeeming features compared to the hive of scum and villainy in the above axis of evil.

Reminder that Pat once said Trump was worse than Hitler and somehow got away with it.

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