People who hangout at pubs are such fucking losers

I'm talking about the shitty dive ones where you have all these middle age fuckers who do nothing but hangout and drink all day and trashy white women with daddy issues. There are a million bars out there, but these people go and hangout are the shittiest ones with no redeeming factors and think it makes them cool. We needed a quick bite and stopped into one close by for lunch and the whole place reeked of piss and cigs. Some drunk boomer kept trying to talk to us. Go get a job you fucking faggot instead of drinking all day like a fucking loser. At least if you're going to drink all day go to a real bar instead of hanging out in a shitty one thinking it makes you look like a badass.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I'm talking about the shitty dive ones where you have all these middle age fuckers who do nothing but hangout and drink all day and trashy white women with daddy issues. There are a million bars out there, but these people go and hangout are the shittiest ones with no redeeming factors and think it makes them cool. We needed a quick bite and stopped into one close by for lunch and the whole place reeked of piss and cigs. Some drunk boomer kept trying to talk to us. Go get a job you fucking faggot instead of drinking all day like a fucking loser. At least if you're going to drink all day go to a real bar instead of hanging out in a shitty one thinking it makes you look like a badass.
Should have brought your computer in and set up on the bar. Lets everyone know how important you are. Real Alpha move.


When you walk in and they sense you're not a instantly become the focus of the joint, as they vampirically suck off your life essence, out of envy.

The easiest way to know a bar is such, is if they have a darts tournament thingy setup. We have those here with the Newfie losers, and they act indignant if you just want to be left alone.


of course anyone who’s a regular at a bar is a fucking loser but dives like in barfly are always better than soulless SODOSOPA chain bars where drafts are $9

Id rather talk to the burnout creeps with good stories who say faggot openly than suburban middle aged dudes in golf attire that can’t hold their liquor



Formerly know as Fat Abbot
They're fine if your looking for a place to grab a quick beer. I wouldn't hangout or eat at one though. I find them kind of depressing

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I liked the places where you could play pool for $1 a game. To me, a bar or a pub is just a place to kill time before going somewhere else. The way tap beer is priced nowadays basically certifies that anyone who hangs out for 3+ hours at a time (unless you're playing pool or darts) is a loser.