People addicted to social media as much as Patrick


With gusto and style, micropenis.
He's an unfunny barely employable ex goy-pawn. That you "resonate" with him makes sense, energetic NEETster...I bet you go thru a lot of hoops to get your pills.

I just said in OffTopic that I would leave the forum if you can prove you own a business and have a wife.

And your response was to scurry over to LitCrit to reply from behind your block to something completely unrelated.

Stay focused, schitzo.

Prove you have a business and wife, and I will leave the forum.


With gusto and style, micropenis.
He's an unfunny barely employable ex golem-pawn-grunt. That you "resonate" with him makes sense, energetic NEETster...I bet you go thru a lot of hoops to get your pills.

I wouldn't. heh.

(But I dont take any pills except a tylenol for a headache here and there).

More edits lolol

Just accept the challenge, pussy.
Prove you have a business and wife and I will leave the forum.