Pat's Reddit stats

Just the fact that r/actuallesbians is in there is pretty fucking funny.
(888 comments in r/autism #DLTIW)


His posting history that I see: Someone reposted a Rosa Parks memorial pic also now found on Rick's Twitter account 2 years ago, and he corrected the record. Astrophysics Pat's recent presentation on Elon Musk with some slightly modified slides deliberating the superiority of whites happened 3 months ago.
Just the fact that r/actuallesbians is in there is pretty fucking funny.
All I can find:
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How does he have plus 100 comment karma in Idiots? He was downvoted to oblivion like 1000 times

He used to be pretty cocky.

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stlaker, you've told yourself at every hearing it was going to be dismissed. Three times you were convinced it was over. Three times it has not only continued, but expanded.
You're losing, stlaker. It's not getting better for you. Quietly now.
I have gotten nothing wrong at all, stlaker. You really don't want this case to go any further, because the next phase is where things get very bad for you, very quickly. But neither are you able to do anything to stop it. You have never been threatened, only had the consequences of your actions explained. You are actively being sued, right now. The forums are actively being sued, right now. That suit is proceeding, and expanding. We are not spending PPP loan money on this lawsuit, nor are we taking money from any of our parents. And what we are doing about it is bringing an end to your community through all legal avenues.
Nothing you believe has ever been true, stlaker. That's never going to change.
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Don't worry, stlaker. What you're losing will be spelled out for you in the settlement.
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I'm not in one, stlaker, nor am I at risk of becoming so. You haven't broken me in 3 years of obsessively trying everyday, and you're not going to at any point in the future.
You, otoh, will be.
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Oh stlaker. It's all going to be such a surprise for you when it hits.
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Yes, stlaker. It is. And no, stlaker. It will not be. You don't understand anything that is happening, because you are deeply stupid.
There is no dismissal. Not now or in the future.
Wait quietly for your subpoena.
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No, stlaker. I told a joke on twitter about Bret Kavanaugh. I'm sorry you're stupid and don't understand how jokes work, but that's also not my problem. And congratulations, stlaker! You found a public blog post of mine from 2014, describing a temporary period in my life dating from 2011 which is since long passed. So yes, calling me an alcoholic today is indeed defamation, and not even remotely the only reason you're being sued.
You're the only people still obsessing over what happened in my private life a decade ago, because you don't have lives of your own to worry about.
See you in court. It's going to be fun. For me, that is.
CC @ Jerry Jen:
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I've sold tens of thousands of books, stlaker. And none of my publishers are vanity presses.
You're always wrong, by orders of magnitude. It's quite something to behold the delusions you must maintain, despite all the facts.
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No, stlaker. They didn't. Never threatened to rape the President with a pineapple. That never occured. Never laid a finger on any women, my wife included. That never occurred. Fact remains that you're being actively sued for defamation exactly for saying false things like every claim above.