Patrick S Tomlinson cannot be helped.



I tried my best.
Please archive this. For posterity.



It’s like the part in Young Frankenstein where Dr. Frankenstein finds out that an abnormal brain was used to create the monster. Except Peter Boyle is a likable guy. Ever see him on Everybody Loves Raymond? I always get that show confused with King of Queens. I’m not even really a fan of Kevin James or Ray Romano I guess I just like gay middle America humor.

tl;dr PaTrick S. Tomlinson is a homosexual arsonist.

Will Tate

Oven March
It’s like the part in Young Frankenstein where Dr. Frankenstein finds out that an abnormal brain was used to create the monster. Except Peter Boyle is a likable guy. Ever see him on Everybody Loves Raymond? I always get that show confused with King of Queens. I’m not even really a fan of Kevin James or Ray Romano I guess I just like gay middle America humor.

tl;dr PaTrick S. Tomlinson is a homosexual arsonist.
Peter Boyle on Raymond was the only thing I liked about that show--his dumb cunt wife hadn't been fuckable since Johnson was in office so there was no need to refrain from calling out her stupid bullshit. That's what I want for me and the Mrs.


Still cracks me up that one of the first blog entries is on how to store a car for winter and he practices none of it.

IIRC, he used to store his shitty bike for the winter. I remember pictures of it in a trailer or something and he was talking about how it was getting put up for the winter.

Now that he's blown 100k of someone else's money on a lawsuit, hasn't had a book published in 2+ years with nothing in the pipeline, and owing Quasi over $36,000 he just lets it sit out in the snow. He could have built a nice garage with that 36k.