Patrick, prove your innocence. Link them here.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
Wouldn't it be so much easier to just link them here Patrick? All of us openly talking about the ways we fuck around. My fake Torque account. All of it neatly organized for easy browsing.

Instead of making yourself look insane trying to explain it to each and every random person who gets duped and whines at you on Twitter, why don't you simply link them here?

Is it because deep down you know you're unlikeable? Easily hateable? Even when you're clearly innocent they WANT to believe otherwise because you can't help but act like a total fucking retard?

What's the matter? Are you afraid that people would JOIN our ranks? They would read about what a complete dipshit you are and want to join in on the fun? Would it blow your fantasy that your detractors are just a handful of psychotic nazi childs?

Do it, Fatso. The frequency is going to ramp up soon.



Wouldn't it be so much easier to just link them here Patrick? All of us openly talking about the ways we fuck around. My fake Torque account. All of it neatly organized for easy browsing.

Instead of making yourself look insane trying to explain it to each and every random person who gets duped and whines at you on Twitter, why don't you simply link them here?

Is it because deep down you know you're unlikeable? Easily hateable? Even when you're clearly innocent they WANT to believe otherwise because you can't help but act like a total fucking retard?

What's the matter? Are you afraid that people would JOIN our ranks? They would read about what a complete dipshit you are and want to join in on the fun? Would it blow your fantasy that your detractors are just a handful of psychotic nazi childs?

Do it, Fatso. The frequency is going to ramp up soon.

Jokes on this guy. Patrick doesn't have a publisher anymore.


Specifically a quarter retarded
Yeah its not like if he linked to kiwifarms where the first page surmises how huge of a dumb asshole he is
And it's not like people can just create an account to post "I was linked here by Patrick..." for us to explain why he's retarded

If he'd link here, it'd look like we're obsessed lunatics to those not in the know. But then again, with 1.2 P-titty all publicity is good publicity for our website