Patrick is now tweeting out his own penis picture


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I can only sleep in underwear because I overheat immediately otherwise, even if it's cold in the house. That said, I keep a pair of sweats and a t-shirt right next to the bed just in case. It only takes a few seconds to get presentable if you're not a fat slob who drank himself into a stupor.
Pig’s good sweatpants were in the wash because he got gravy on them.


Good lord, even Pat is a patposter at this point. This is 4D trolling
The ultimate Patposter. He’s surpassed ‘undercover’ Reddit Joe at this point. Unfortunately, he’ll never trounce the ultimate Lolcow for this dynamite appearance [MEDIA=youtube]M9pqezxFfgs[/MEDIA] regardless of how many times the pig man waddles into cheese county court.


Stand Alone Fruit
Typical Pat follower, everyone I don’t like is a fascist!


Every accusation is an admission, I read that somewhere once.

If this picture is stolen then that means Rick stole my copyrighted photo and tweeted it as well. I’m very injured.

The NFT is still for sale by the way, and I’ll transfer copyright of the photo to whoever buys it. I know times are tough so let’s say around $12,350 and it’s yours.

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