Pat is sending the copy pasta to his actual friends now





This is why I thought he might have a second phone number that he actually uses. But I think he just doesn't have any friends. Also, I think the cyberstalking thing is a badge of honor for him, so he doesn't mind putting it out there.

Worst case scenario for him, someone in real life asks him "what the fuck was that response about?" and then he gets to explain what cyberstalking is. He's talked about this nonsense on Strictly Stalking and with lawyers and judges. He has no shame about how stupid his life is.
This is why I thought he might have a second phone number that he actually uses. But I think he just doesn't have any friends. Also, I think the cyberstalking thing is a badge of honor for him, so he doesn't mind putting it out there.

Worst case scenario for him, someone in real life asks him "what the fuck was that response about?" and then he gets to explain what cyberstalking is. He's talked about this nonsense on Strictly Stalking and with lawyers and judges. He has no shame about how stupid his life is.
This guy on reddit threw a txt out to him some time ago something along the lines of:
"Hi, saw your ad on craigslist selling the mustang. can i arrange a viewing?"
now its feasible a rascal may have created a bogus craigslist ad and this is an unsuspecting joe public enquiring.
instead of replying, 'sorry no ad, most likely pranksters etc.' it was "No stlaker you didnt, no stlaker it isnt, no stlaker you cant, then C+P

another guy on craigs list said his torque wheeler twitter account is verified with the same phone number, i dont think he has a second either.

Harry Powell

This guy on reddit threw a txt out to him some time ago something along the lines of:
"Hi, saw your ad on craigslist selling the mustang. can i arrange a viewing?"
now its feasible a rascal may have created a bogus craigslist ad and this is an unsuspecting joe public enquiring.
instead of replying, 'sorry no ad, most likely pranksters etc.' it was "No atalker you didnt, no atalker it isnt, no atalker you cant, then C+P

another guy on craigs list said his torque wheeler twitter account is verified with the same phone number, i dont think he has a second either.
Of course he doesn’t. If he ever changes his number or gets a second number, we win. Simple as.


This guy on reddit threw a txt out to him some time ago something along the lines of:
"Hi, saw your ad on craigslist selling the mustang. can i arrange a viewing?"
now its feasible a rascal may have created a bogus craigslist ad and this is an unsuspecting joe public enquiring.
instead of replying, 'sorry no ad, most likely pranksters etc.' it was "No atalker you didnt, no atalker it isnt, no atalker you cant, then C+P

another guy on craigs list said his torque wheeler twitter account is verified with the same phone number, i dont think he has a second either.
My favorite is when he actually thinks it is a person who was duped by a cyberstalker. He has such a smug sense of superiority to people who he thinks are being tricked into engaging with him.

"This is Diana from Milwaukee Landscaping"
"You are being catfished by cyberstalkers being federally investigated. Never text this number again"

"Hey, it's Brad from National Debt Services. When is a good time to call?"

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
are the disposable phone numbers from that app in a specific range or limited to a few hundred that he may have added as contacts or something like that that allows him to distinguish between genuine and malicious contacts?

I remember someone texted him waht looked like an automated doctor's appointment confirmation a few monthsa goa dn he answered "No" or "cancel" or whatever


are the disposable phone numbers from that app in a specific range or limited to a few hundred that he may have added as contacts or something like that that allows him to distinguish between genuine and malicious contacts?

I remember someone texted him waht looked like an automated doctor's appointment confirmation a few monthsa goa dn he answered "No" or "cancel" or whatever
Yeah, he responds to those. The hilarious thing is how quickly he responds, and the fact that he always responds. If he is not sleeping or shoving food into his face, he will respond instantly.
are the disposable phone numbers from that app in a specific range or limited to a few hundred that he may have added as contacts or something like that that allows him to distinguish between genuine and malicious contacts?
The apps have a limited pool of numbers that are cycled between users (depending on the service)
I do know that aforementioned reddit guy used a recycled number very recently that he had previously used back in March and was hit with an instant C+P indicating that piggles runs some sort of blacklist with automatic reply function.

Any new/fresh numbers are manually replied to (which doesn't usually take long).


The protocol he uses when engaging with cyberstalkers is totally optimized for cyberstalker satisfaction. He always responds as soon as he sees your message. So there is almost no danger of releasing a phone number before he responds.

Once he oinks out the copy-and-paste, you know that it's safe to abandon the number, though he does occasionally respond like 15 minutes later with a "time runs low, prison soon" if he's drunk or feeling a little spicy. It's pretty funny knowing that he was stewing for 15 minutes after I had already stopped paying attention.

And he has so many buttons that are easy to push and elicit a non-copy-and-paste response. Even if he only responded with the copy-and-paste it would be stupid as fuck, but he doesn't even have the discipline to do that.