Pat did that shitty website himself


I used the "some numbers", "happy clients", "cups of coffee" shit on the "Meet Torque Wheeler" page as a Google search, and it only seems to turn up other car websites.

This made me wonder if Pat just googled "how to start a car blog" or something, and is just following the same tutorial as all these other people. The very first result is the following video, which is a tutorial on creating a WordPress-based car blog.

I added a timestamp to the part where they're talking about the Elementor framework or whatever, which is where those stupid counters come from.
He used a $79 wordpress template. the name of it is in the main thread somewhere.
None of the numbers have even been changed from the template sample and is the same on other sites.
Although he did attempt editing it as he fucked up some of the markup.

More than likely niki set it up for ol' 1.2gpa in a bid to try and get him to do something productive.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
Yeah I know that PostsByGhost being a phony business has always been the working theory around here, but to me Automanic erased ANY plausible deniability about it. It's so basic and poorly put together that it can be done by anyone with a literal day of experience with Wordpress, no way this bitch has a decade+ of Wordpress expertise that you can't get from literally 1 hours of video tutorials.

Pat paid for a WP template marketed as "for auto parts" as if any old e-commerce integrated template couldn't offer the exact same for any old product. If Nikki has any experience with tempalte she would know and would've told him to save his money and use any regular woocommerce-ready template.

And the one that he bought is alright I guess but he uses zero of it's integrated features. Retard paid $70 to have the default orange-and-black theme on a regular plain blog.

He's a fat retard that should consider suicide.


Niki definitely helped set up the wordpress site. If he actually paid for a theme he's a fucking retard, he gets no viewers anyway. That shit is usually a yearly payment on top of whatever the setup costs (nearly nothing). Why did he even set this shit up? To prove to himself that he's a failure?
He thought people would be like, "Whoa. This guy's name is Torque and he's served 14,000 people as a grease monkey. I'm subscribing." It was a fraud. So funny and fat.


Pat, I know we’ve had our differences, but let me be webmaster of your site. Here’s a taste of what I can do for your site. Just a taste. [URL][/URL]

Gonna work on one for my friend Dan Mullen for his shock jock radio show nexxxxxxst.
You’re a fucking delightful maniac. Fuck, I love this forum.


Nice nopr, you fucking gross weirdo.