Pat being a run of the mill cunt to an ally

GPA way too low.

Tards don't take the SAT because of the fee, no college prospect anyway with those grades, and their tardscore brings down school averages.

Patrick - agree by being fat and greasy.
Agreed. There's no way Patrick took SAT or ACT. I knew a few burnouts who had no plan on going to college and had low GPAs. They never bothered with the tests.
Nothing makes him get cunty like a woman disagreeing with him. That really gets him all angry which makes me believe he’s abusive to Niki. Not physically since he’s weak but I’m sure he’s beaten her down emotionally by telling her she’s wrong, being passive aggressive, etc

It's really mind-boggling to think about the "relationship" he must have with Nigi. She could do that thing where you go "Yes, dear. No, dear" when your longterm partner starts bloviating about politics or whatever bee they have in their bonnet.

But Pat is like that about EVERYTHING. Relationships are built on friendly disagreement - something Pat is incapable of. He has to correct your record and get the last word at all costs.

She probably just blanks him at this point. She comes back from work to see him lying on the jizz couch and just immediately heads to her half of the house without saying a word to him. What else are you going to say? "Hey Pat. Any luck with getting the fence sorted out?"

"I've already explained that to you, child. BuT you did noT lisTen!"