Pajeets in the NYPD are all traffic cops because they're cowardly



You'll never see a pajeet die saving someone from a fire...but there was this story in the news, a pajeet gas station lady died chasing down a guy who drove off without paying his tab. She got run over.

Their heart is not in with this place (understandable) which is what you need to really consider yourself a contributing citizen. They just wanna make their money with as little stress as possible, to wire back to Bangalore or wherever.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
You'll never see a pajeet die saving someone from a fire...but there was this story in the news, a pajeet gas station lady died chasing down a guy who drove off without paying his tab. She got run over.

Their heart is not in with this place (understandable) which is what you need to really consider yourself a contributing citizen. They just wanna make their money with as little stress as possible, to wire back to Bangalore or wherever.
They're always the really dark and ugly ones too